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What is the Chintamani Fund?

Requesting Financial Support to Attend Ordination Training Retreats


Chintamani means 'wish-fulfilling jewel' in Sanskrit. The Chintamani Fund provides financial assistance for women to attend GFR retreats and ordination retreats. For US and Canadian women with financial constraints, this fund will support in-person TFO retreat fees and travel expenses. We provide assistance on a per-event basis at the time of need.


PLEASE NOTE: Online attendance at retreats is dana-based, so no Chintamani funding is needed.



  • US/Canadian GFR women mitras who wish to attend an in-person GFR retreat (or ordination retreat)

  • Funding is limited to one retreat per year

  • For ordination retreats, funding is for mitra expenses only. It does not cover preceptor expenses. Please exhaust your personal fundraising efforts before applying.

To apply for Cintamani funds, send an email to with your responses to the following questions:


  • What is your expected cost of retreat registration and airfare (list separately)?

  • How much you can contribute toward the cost (recognizing that you won't be paying for meals at home during the retreat)?​

  • Why are you asking for financial assistance?

We feel that finances should not get in the way of anyone taking up training for ordination. But at the same time, our funds are limited. So typically, any support provided will cover only a portion of retreat fees and airfare.


Alokasetu | Triratna Ordination Training 


©2022-2025 by ALOKASETU | Triratna Ordination Training

Triratna Ordination Training, Inc. is a 501c(3) non-profit with Tax ID: 86-3813149 

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